welcome to the new pxthis.com :)

August 31st, 2009 by abbe diaz


welcome to the "soft launch" of the new pxthis.com —
sometime over the next couple of days, the official http://pxthis.com URL will kick in and be directed to this new site. the current URL for The Forum @ PX This (http://pxthis.invisionzone.com) will remain in effect and will not change.

forthcoming updates may proceed slowly over the next several weeks, as everybody acclimates themselves to their new undertakings (people can be so unreliable when you only pay them in liquor). also: evidently, everyone has weddings and travels and other responsibilities and whatnot planned over the coming months so— you know how that is.

sorry, but your Forum logins will NOT be carried over to this new format, so if you wish to comment on any topics, it will require you re-register via the login module effective here, which is accessible within any entry. in an attempt to avoid "spam," your first comment will require "validation" by an administrator (which may take some time), after which your comments should appear immediately after they are posted.
as usual, all rules, guidelines, and disclaimers are in effect, with the exception of the Forum’s tiered membership system (which will remain in effect for the Forum only).

thank you so much for all your encouragement, enthusiasm, and support.

enough of this gobbledygook LET’S DANCE, BITCHES!



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One Response to “welcome to the new pxthis.com :)”

  1. whats_anorexia Says:

    it looks great! congrats, guys! :D

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